Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Movement trial

I found some randomly chosen students in the playground and did a very rough trial of some of the movements. See the video below.
The way the numbers built up was rather interesting. As anticipated, the crossing in the centre was good.
The difficulties where that the students did not know where to walk to if there wasn't a person there. They said they would need a marker. Also the timing. They didn't walk at the same speed, so a lot of the effect was lost. They suggested that a musical beat would help. It will also need disciplined rehearsal I think.
Here is the film.


Tuesday, 25 June 2013


If you don't know Beckett's Quad, it is a piece of movement for 4 people with some associated music. It was written for TV. You can see it here. I quite like this version because of the Gamelan style music.

Beckett was himself unhappy with the manoeuvre that they need to do in the middle to avoid hitting each other, but didn't take the obvious step of putting in a fifth person and using a pentagram. The maths in his original version is interesting. He uses combinations and permutations to have all possible groups of two and three walkers. The geometrical path is also exhaustive in some way. However there are repetitions.

My idea is to have 5 walkers, use the pentagram. This means each walker will trace the pentagram path from their particular point. We will do these circuits:

1 circuit with no walkers
5 separate circuits, each with one walker
10 circuits with 2 walkers
10 circuits with 3 walkers
5 circuits with 4 walkers
1 with all 5.

I wonder how long this will take?

Musically we can give each walker a refrain on a different instrument. This can be added afterwards to the video. We would get every possible combination of the sounds. Hopefully some rather interesting clashes.

For the 10 circuits of 2, I would use: 1&2, 3&4, 5&1, 2&3, 4&5, 1&3, 2&4, 3&5, 4&1, 5&2
For the three, we use their negative. How will the walkers remember this?

Can we film it in several different locations and cut it together later?

Maths footnote.
The shape may be the most interesting geometrical figure there is. Certainly historically. For the Pythagoreans it held within it the secret of the universe. They kept its dark secret to themselves and killed the two people who discovered it. It is possible to date the beginning of disciplined abstract thought from this moment. The discovery that it is not true that "All is Number" shook the sect, and in turn, the world. In my view the most important discovery ever made. I may be overstating this a bit.
Of course, as well as the Golden Ratio and the discovery of the irrational, the shape is the simplest rational sided shape, having exactly 2 1/2 sides.

Poetry session

This was new for me.

I wanted to get some students to cooperatively write a piece of text that can be used in the performance.
The text will be spoken, or shouted or declaimed or ranted in some way. This will probably occur over some hopefully rather disjointed music.

What did we do?
Well, hijacked a year 12 Literature class and shared access to a google doc of the text by John Donne. We discussed the poem briefly and all the students wrote comments. They then responded to each others comments and added more.
I took the final text from the doc and gave a very minor editing, which took no more than 15 minutes. Much of the editing was to remove some of the longer sentences and split them into choppier phrases.
Here is the final piece, which I think has some broken internal rhythm. I am very pleased with the text and I am sure we can use it.

No man is an island   
entire of itself;

No one is self sufficient, entirely,
entirely self, entirely sufficient, entirely self sufficient
no man is isolated
Why Man
Are men united
Are women segregated?
Are women inferior to men? Superior to Men, equal to men, the same as men, different to men?
When did he write this?
Did women have no place in the world?
Do women have a place in the world?
Will women have no place in the world
What about now?
Everything an individual does, it ripples across the community
Like water ripples round an Island
Like water ripples in  puddle
Like water ripples in a ripple
A ripple on a ripple
Some people live as islands
Do they choose to live as islands.
Do they have a choice
Can they have a choice
is seclusion an impossibility?
Can they function without other people
If they can’t function with other people

every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;

We don’t live in isolation
sense of community
community of sense
We are interconnected,
We are together,
Only together
only together can we make a difference
Sense of unity
Unity of sense
You can be separated into groups
You can be separated into countries
, but you’re still part of the continent

if a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
piece of land
every piece of land
every piece of land is important
one man gone makes the society weaker
Why Europe
the only continent? Is Europe the ‘main’?
origin of Western civilisation
Western sillivisation
If a clod breaks off
washes away
continent is less
so the people are less.
So when one man dies,
whole of mankind
is lessened by that death
everyone is important to the group
regardless of nationality, or race, or cast, or gender, or sexuality, or politics, or religion
the tiniest difference matters
every action is important
affects all of us

as well as if a promontory were,
promontory means like outcast
like cast out
like on the edge,
like off the edge
No matter how isolated we may feel, we are still united as one
Is a promontory
someone who stands out
from  the crowd?
What happens if we reject him/her?
What does that say about us?
as well as any manner of thy friends
 “promontory” and “friends”, juxtaposed
Outsiders should not be your friends?
Or Outsiders should be friends
Do we prove the point?
Do we disprove that point?

or of thine own were;

no individualism - collectivism,
we are all interdependent
importance of cohesion

any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
if one gets affected everyone affected
impact on a collective has an effect on an individual
Affected Collective
death and diminishes
highlights the notion of the collective being affected if one dies
the human collective vs. individual
Collected Affective
‘Diminishes me’
we are part of the community
A loss will affect us all.
Diminish, reduce to nothing, become one of the invisible people
we should all be personally involved with each other
our duty to protect each other
Is our belief in caring for mankind simply a form of tokenism? Do we just tick the boxes at Island School?
Does mankind simply refer to our species or does it symbolise the abstract connection we have between us?
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee

 “It tolls for thee” short, sharp death
Bells ring for the collective,
not for individuals-
We are the bells, and together we can make something.
Bells should not ring for one person, but for everyone.
Bells call for death?
Another’s death is also one’s loss
The loss of one person is a loss for everyone
There is always something you can do to help others
Don’t think about whether you’re important
everyone is as important as everybody else,
The bells bring people together-
for a funeral or a wedding
important as everybody else,
The bells bring people together
for a funeral or a wedding

Whistleblower on the run
Hawaii to Hong Kong
Hong Kong to Moscow
Moscow to Ecuador
do we isolate him because of his actions,
because he is a promontory,
or do we protect?
Protests in Brazil
Protests in Turkey –
connections between the two
Small group of people
then the entire country
Promontory. The bells toll.

Liu Xiabo
what is happening in our own back yard?
Are we aware
Does his situation connect to ours...
Do we care until it happens to us too?
Bells Bells

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The First Writing Session

It is almost the last week of term, and getting students together is really tricky. However Jess, Farrah and Tiffany joined me for a session working on just the first line of the text last Thursday.
It was great. We found a melody, worked on harmony sections, unison sections and some bits where they sang the line over each other in different speeds.
We have a vdeo of one of the run throughs, which I will post when Farrah sends it to me.
Here are some pics

And here is the video. Lots of ideas in the way the first line was treated to sue in other lines.
I think we will have issues over balance unless we mike each singer and then mix it. Defining the different harmonies will be important, where the dischord needs to go and how we manage the repetitions of different lengths.

The Words

No man is an island
   entire of itself; 
every man is a piece of the continent, 
   a part of the main; 
if a clod be washed away by the sea, 
   Europe is the less, 
     as well as if a promontory were,
     as well as any manner of thy friends 
    or of thine own were; 
any man's death diminishes me, 
   because I am involved in mankind. 
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; 
   it tolls for thee