Thursday 20 June 2013

The First Writing Session

It is almost the last week of term, and getting students together is really tricky. However Jess, Farrah and Tiffany joined me for a session working on just the first line of the text last Thursday.
It was great. We found a melody, worked on harmony sections, unison sections and some bits where they sang the line over each other in different speeds.
We have a vdeo of one of the run throughs, which I will post when Farrah sends it to me.
Here are some pics

And here is the video. Lots of ideas in the way the first line was treated to sue in other lines.
I think we will have issues over balance unless we mike each singer and then mix it. Defining the different harmonies will be important, where the dischord needs to go and how we manage the repetitions of different lengths.

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