The tracks below have been mixed together and make more sense than the older recordings
This is just the voices alone. Some wonderful sounds, some of it is really beautiful.
It would be really nice to record each voice independently and mix them separately, and hopefully we will get to that stage. There are some (very few) bits where some of the harmony choices don't quite work and perhaps the singers can improve on this by listening carefully.
We now have to add the second half.
This is just the instruments. I must admit to being a bit more nervous about how this would work together. There was at least another track that we thought we recorded, but it didn't appear on the machines. We have lost Tim's second bass track, but we can add others.
Putting them together was tricky as some seem to fit and others don't. However I think this works. It is the sort of thing I like, so probably others don't! Players should listen and see if they can improve or add tracks. We probably need some more, and some of theses could be slicker.
They way it keeps going back to the quiet parts is hypnotic, and really lovely. The crescendo as more instruments come in together works for me too.
And this is both mixed together. I had great fun with this, and I love it. The voices sound better with the instruments behind them. The instruments sound better with the chopped voices. Not sure what a final collage will sound like, but this really makes me feel we can do something. I just have a big smile on my face at the end of it.
Could we ever perform this?