Monday 9 September 2013

It is the week of 9th September and the project is progressing. Yesterday we got further with the choral writing. See the video below for how far we got. The harmonies are sounding really beautiful, but we trip up over some of the rhythms and the transitions.
Not yet sure about the spoken lines.
Today we hope to get further with the instrumental bit. Not quite sure which musicians will be there, but hopefully we can progress. I wonder if we can get some better recording this time.
I am toying with ideas of overlaying vocal snippits on the instruments. I think we can get some good effects.
Hopefully on Thursday we can do some filming of the movement. I think we will have 5 year 10s from Mhairi's class, and Gilbert has plans for the cameras. Ken is getting us some headcams to go with the bigger shots, so it could be fun to intersperse these.
Can we keep to the rhythm is the question. We need a clicktrack in 4s and 5s! Do I have to programme it. Don't know.

Watch this space for more music and video

Here is some music with Tim, Jeremy and Jason. Jason was playing on the table, the broken table and the dustbin. He thinks this is the reason the percussion is out of time! The bass an guitar sound OK, but I think too cliched, or tuneful if you like. We need to move away from the conventional chord patterns. Please all listen to Tortoise:
And go back to Trout mask Replica
Or electric counterpoint 2
and 3

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